Anxious? Stressed? Intrusive thoughts?

Sometimes life hurts and avoiding it doesn’t work.

I am a psychologist serving emerging adults (16+) in North Carolina

I help people with anxiety, obsessions and compulsions (OCD) and stress learn to cope and find more freedom and purpose in their lives


Your mind has been pushing you around

with negative, repetitive stories. You have been avoiding things that seem to lead to more pain. You feel as if you have been missing out on life.

You are feeling stuck.


If you are struggling with anxiety or depression,

you might be having difficulties in your relationships as well. You are working hard to hold it together but some days feel like you’re on an

emotional rollercoaster.

You are wondering if therapy might help.


Psychotherapy might help you…

Identify what isn't working. Disrupt beliefs and patterns that might be keeping you stuck.

Learn skills to respond effectively to distressing thoughts, feelings and triggers.

Improve your connection to others and practice better communication with people you care about.

Clarify what matters most and connect purpose with action that moves you towards the life you want.

Being human is hard.

If you are going through a difficult time, your struggles are a lot more common than you might imagine them to be.

I ’ll meet you in the mess.