About Me


Hi, I’m Whitney… I

  • prefer she/her pronouns

  • grew up near the ocean, live in the mountains

  • have a curious, busy mind

  • was an accountant, now a psychologist

  • see the world through an irreverent sense of humor

  • am a changing, self-improving human with real life challenges, just like you

My Approach

My training

is in evidence-based, third-wave Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (CBT) such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). These treatments include strategies that help us accept difficult thoughts and feelings. rather than attempting to bypass them. This approach has a base of scientific support for helping people with a variety of problems including anxiety, depression and stress.

Humans are social animals

Problems that develop within relationships must be healed relationally. I am trained in a framework that makes use of the "here and now" relational moments that occur between client and clinician. The therapeutic relationship provides an opportunity to improve vital relationship skills such as expressing vulnerability or handling conflict constructively.

I reject the myth of healthy normality

I am trained and competent in psychological assessment using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th edition(DSM-V). I believe there is value in knowing whether or not the difficulties you are experiencing meet criteria for specific diagnoses. However, it is not very well hidden secret in the field that the disease-based model of psychological disorders has not withstood scientific scrutiny. Psychological difficulties are real, they manifest in both the mind and body and yet, they are better conceptualized as persistent states rather than permanent traits.

You know what is most important and feasible in your life

I have an expertise in psychology. You are the expert on your life, history and what you want out of your future. I believe that I have a responsibility to share the guidance that modern cognitive behavioral science has to offer and my style is collaborative and responsive to your individuality.

Psychotherapy has come a long way

It is exciting and fortunate to practice psychology during an era in which the scientific community has provided flexible tools that help alleviate human suffering. I feel it is an enormous privilege that I get to spend my days doing such meaningful work, supporting people as they overcome adversity.

My Background

Education and Licensure

I hold a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology from Appalachian State University which provided me with rigorous education, research experience and direct training to provide evidence-based psychotherapy. Since 2016, I am licensed to practice psychology in North Carolina as a Licensed Psychological Associate (LPA).

Professional background

My early career began with a Bachelors degree in Business Administration-Accounting > auditor at Deloitte & Touche, LLC > financial assistant for a global hedge fund > accountant for a design-build company. My work experience in corporate, university and public school settings has provided me with opportunities to relate to my clients. I understand the pressures and demands placed on us by our work.

Clinical experience

From 2016-2021, I served as program coordinator and a clinician in a school-based mental health clinic that conducts and publishes clinical research. I have experience working with teens and adults with issues such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, panic disorder, social and relationship difficulties, body image disturbance, trauma, grief, attention difficulties, minority stress, anger and emotional difficulties, self-harming and suicidal behaviors. I have conducted approximately 275 suicide risk assessments and have been a part of several post-vention teams that provided grief support to a community following a death by suicide. I also have experience providing psychological assessment and treatment in a community clinic as well as a college counseling center. In June 2021, I transitioned to full time private practice because I wanted to focus on my clients, which is the aspect of my work that I find most rewarding.

Curriculum Vitae